First Wave AI

AI powered phone-assistant in less than 2 minutes!

Faster, cheaper, accurate

Answer 100% of calls and give your customers the info they need fast!

How it works (it’s so easy!)

First Wave AI easily connects to your existing customer service phone line and adds an AI assistant.

Step 1 (less than 2 minutes): After signing up, we’ll help show you how to forward your existing phone line to our tool.

Step 2 (less than 5 minutes): Use our platform to add any frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers.

That’s it! Really, no joking! Now you’re ready to take inbound phone calls.

The brilliance is in how we handle FAQs and unknown Questions.

The more people call, the more your AI assistant learns, the less time you spend on the phone!

Phone Demo

Call and hear it yourself +1 (415) 555 – 1234
(beta testing starts May 1)

Platform Demo

Our platform makes it easy to manage your FAQs, and hear other questions your customers have been asking. Skip IVR and go straight to the Q&A!

What people say about us

I used to spend hours answering customer calls. Usually about opening hours and services provided. First Wave not only takes care of it, but my customers are delighted with the experience!

Michelle P.

My favorite part is the learning and adaption of the AI. First Wave feeds me unanswered questions. I jump into the platform, type in the answers and my phone-assistant becomes even more powerful!”

Willie W.

From our blog

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  • Transforming Customer Engagement at the Top of the Funnel with AI

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Connect, save, delight, go!